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Testing Projections

So you're using Marten, you've embraced event sourcing and projections, and now you'd like to write some tests against your projection code. By and large, I think the Marten team would recommend to use integration ("social") testing as much as possible and test your projection code through Marten itself so you can feel confident that your projection code will work correctly in production.

For the moment, consider this single stream projection that builds up a simplistic Invoice document from a stream of related events:

public record InvoiceCreated(string Description, decimal Amount);

public record InvoiceApproved;
public record InvoiceCancelled;
public record InvoicePaid;
public record InvoiceRejected;

public class Invoice
    public Invoice()

    public static Invoice Create(IEvent<InvoiceCreated> created)
        return new Invoice
            Amount = created.Data.Amount,
            Description = created.Data.Description,

            // Capture the timestamp from the event
            // metadata captured by Marten
            Created = created.Timestamp,
            Status = InvoiceStatus.Created

    public int Version { get; set; }

    public decimal Amount { get; set; }
    public string Description { get; set; }
    public Guid Id { get; set; }
    public DateTimeOffset Created { get; set; }
    public InvoiceStatus Status { get; set; }

    public void Apply(InvoiceCancelled _) => Status = InvoiceStatus.Cancelled;
    public void Apply(InvoiceRejected _) => Status = InvoiceStatus.Rejected;
    public void Apply(InvoicePaid _) => Status = InvoiceStatus.Paid;
    public void Apply(InvoiceApproved _) => Status = InvoiceStatus.Approved;

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Live Aggregation

For projections that are running with an Async lifecycle, you can at least test single stream projections through the AggregateStreamAsync() behavior as shown below:

public async Task test_live_aggregation()
    using var store = DocumentStore.For(opts =>
            "Host=localhost;Port=5432;Database=marten_testing;Username=postgres;password=postgres;Command Timeout=5");
        opts.DatabaseSchemaName = "incidents";

    var invoiceId = Guid.NewGuid();

    // Pump in events
    using (var session = store.LightweightSession())

        session.Events.StartStream<Invoice>(invoiceId, new InvoiceCreated("Blue Shoes", 112.24m));
        await session.SaveChangesAsync();

        session.Events.Append(invoiceId,new InvoiceApproved());
        session.Events.Append(invoiceId,new InvoicePaid());
        await session.SaveChangesAsync();

    await using var query = store.QuerySession();

    var invoice = await query.Events.AggregateStreamAsync<Invoice>(invoiceId);
    invoice.Description.ShouldBe("Blue Shoes");

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Inline Aggregation

For projections that are running with an Inline lifecycle, you can test any projection by pumping in events, then loading the newly persisted documents from the database like so:

public async Task test_inline_aggregation()
    using var store = DocumentStore.For(opts =>
            "Host=localhost;Port=5432;Database=marten_testing;Username=postgres;password=postgres;Command Timeout=5");
        opts.DatabaseSchemaName = "incidents";

        // Notice that the "snapshot" is running inline

    var invoiceId = Guid.NewGuid();

    // Pump in events
    using (var session = store.LightweightSession())

        session.Events.StartStream<Invoice>(invoiceId, new InvoiceCreated("Blue Shoes", 112.24m));
        await session.SaveChangesAsync();

        session.Events.Append(invoiceId,new InvoiceApproved());
        session.Events.Append(invoiceId,new InvoicePaid());
        await session.SaveChangesAsync();

    await using var query = store.QuerySession();

    // Load the document that was "projected" from the events above
    // and immediately persisted to the document store
    var invoice = await query.LoadAsync<Invoice>(invoiceId);

    // Run assertions
    invoice.Description.ShouldBe("Blue Shoes");

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Async Projections

For asynchronous projections of any kind, we have a little more complicated situation. We can still pump in events through Marten as normal to establish the inputs to our test (the "arrange" part of the arrange/act/assert cycle). The challenge with asynchronous projections is to "know" when the asynchronous daemon running in the background has progressed past the events so that it's accurate to check the expected outcome by loading persisted documents from the database.

A simple, but potentially expensive approach would be to use the async daemon to rebuild a projection after appending the events so you "know" the test assertions are running after the daemon has caught up. Here's an example of that approach:

public async Task test_async_aggregation()
    // By building the Marten store this way, there is **no** projection daemon running
    // yet.
    using var store = DocumentStore.For(opts =>
            "Host=localhost;Port=5432;Database=marten_testing;Username=postgres;password=postgres;Command Timeout=5");
        opts.DatabaseSchemaName = "incidents";

        // Notice that the "snapshot" is running inline

    await store.Advanced.Clean.DeleteAllEventDataAsync();
    await store.Advanced.Clean.DeleteDocumentsByTypeAsync(typeof(Invoice));

    var invoiceId = Guid.NewGuid();

    // Pump in events
    using (var session = store.LightweightSession())
        session.Events.StartStream<Invoice>(invoiceId, new InvoiceCreated("Blue Shoes", 112.24m));
        await session.SaveChangesAsync();

        session.Events.Append(invoiceId,new InvoiceApproved());
        session.Events.Append(invoiceId,new InvoicePaid());
        await session.SaveChangesAsync();

    // Here I'm going to completely rewind the async projections, then
    // rebuild from 0 to the very end of the event store so we know
    // we got our new stream from up above completely processed
    using var daemon = await store.BuildProjectionDaemonAsync();
    await daemon.RebuildProjectionAsync<Invoice>(CancellationToken.None);

    // NOW, we should expect reliable results by just loading the already
    // persisted documents built by rebuilding the projection
    await using var query = store.QuerySession();

    // Load the document that was "projected" from the events above
    // and immediately persisted to the document store
    var invoice = await query.LoadAsync<Invoice>(invoiceId);

    // Run assertions
    invoice.Description.ShouldBe("Blue Shoes");

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The approach above is pretty simple, but it definitely works against your ability to parallelize tests by rewinding the existing projection. It also might become slower over time as you accumulate more and more events and Invoice data from prior runs. You could beat that issue by cleaning off the database before doing the arrange, act, and assert cycle with these lines of code:

        await store.Advanced.Clean.DeleteAllEventDataAsync();
        await store.Advanced.Clean.DeleteDocumentsByTypeAsync(typeof(Invoice));


The WaitForNonStaleProjectionDataAsync(timeout) can only work on one database at a time. If you are using some kind of multi-tenancy with separate databases per tenant, there is an overload that takes in a tenant id or database name. You will need to use that overload separately for any impacted databases in your tests if using multi-tenancy through separate databases.

Or starting with Marten 7.5, you can just use an already running async daemon, but force the test harness to "wait" for the asynchronous daemon to completely catch up to the latest event captured for all projections with the WaitForNonStaleProjectionDataAsync(timeout) API. Using that approach gives us this test:

public async Task test_async_aggregation_with_wait_for()
    // In your tests, you would most likely use the IHost for your
    // application as it is normally built
    using var host = await Host.CreateDefaultBuilder()
        .ConfigureServices(services =>
            services.AddMarten(opts =>
                        "Host=localhost;Port=5432;Database=marten_testing;Username=postgres;password=postgres;Command Timeout=5");
                    opts.DatabaseSchemaName = "incidents";

                    // Notice that the "snapshot" is running inline

                // Using Solo in tests will help it start up a little quicker

    var store = host.Services.GetRequiredService<IDocumentStore>();

    var invoiceId = Guid.NewGuid();

    // Pump in events
    using (var session = store.LightweightSession())
        session.Events.StartStream<Invoice>(invoiceId, new InvoiceCreated("Blue Shoes", 112.24m));
        await session.SaveChangesAsync();

        session.Events.Append(invoiceId,new InvoiceApproved());
        session.Events.Append(invoiceId,new InvoicePaid());
        await session.SaveChangesAsync();

    // Now, this is going to pause here in this thread until the async daemon
    // running in our IHost is completely caught up to at least the point of the
    // last event captured at the point this method was called
    await store.WaitForNonStaleProjectionDataAsync(5.Seconds());

    // NOW, we should expect reliable results by just loading the already
    // persisted documents built by rebuilding the projection
    await using var query = store.QuerySession();

    // Load the document that was "projected" from the events above
    // and immediately persisted to the document store
    var invoice = await query.LoadAsync<Invoice>(invoiceId);

    // Run assertions
    invoice.Description.ShouldBe("Blue Shoes");

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In the version above, we can just be using a shared IHost and the async daemon already running continuously, pump in new events, then force the test harness to "wait" for the underlying async daemon to be completely caught up before proceeding to test the expected documents persisted in the database by the projection.

What about System Time?!?


See Andrew Lock's blog post Avoiding flaky tests with TimeProvider and ITimer for more information on using TimeProvider in tests

In the example projection, I've been capturing the timestamp in the Invoice document from the Marten event metadata:

public static Invoice Create(IEvent<InvoiceCreated> created)
    return new Invoice
        Amount = created.Data.Amount,
        Description = created.Data.Description,

        // Capture the timestamp from the event
        // metadata captured by Marten
        Created = created.Timestamp,
        Status = InvoiceStatus.Created

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But of course, if that timestamp has some meaning later on and you have any kind of business rules that may need to key off that time, it's very helpful to be able to control the timestamps that Marten is assigning to create predictable automated tests. As of Marten 7.5, Marten uses the newer .NET TimeProvider behind the scenes, and you can replace it in testing like so:

public async Task test_async_aggregation_with_wait_for_and_fake_time_provider()
    // Hang on to this for later!!!
    var eventsTimeProvider = new FakeTimeProvider();

    // In your tests, you would most likely use the IHost for your
    // application as it is normally built
    using var host = await Host.CreateDefaultBuilder()
        .ConfigureServices(services =>
            services.AddMarten(opts =>
                        "Host=localhost;Port=5432;Database=marten_testing;Username=postgres;password=postgres;Command Timeout=5");
                    opts.DatabaseSchemaName = "incidents";

                    // Notice that the "snapshot" is running inline

                    opts.Events.TimeProvider = eventsTimeProvider;

                // Using Solo in tests will help it start up a little quicker

    var store = host.Services.GetRequiredService<IDocumentStore>();

    var invoiceId = Guid.NewGuid();

    // Pump in events
    using (var session = store.LightweightSession())
        session.Events.StartStream<Invoice>(invoiceId, new InvoiceCreated("Blue Shoes", 112.24m));
        await session.SaveChangesAsync();

        session.Events.Append(invoiceId,new InvoiceApproved());
        session.Events.Append(invoiceId,new InvoicePaid());
        await session.SaveChangesAsync();

    // Now, this is going to pause here in this thread until the async daemon
    // running in our IHost is completely caught up to at least the point of the
    // last event captured at the point this method was called
    await store.WaitForNonStaleProjectionDataAsync(5.Seconds());

    // NOW, we should expect reliable results by just loading the already
    // persisted documents built by rebuilding the projection
    await using var query = store.QuerySession();

    // Load the document that was "projected" from the events above
    // and immediately persisted to the document store
    var invoice = await query.LoadAsync<Invoice>(invoiceId);

    // Run assertions, and we'll use the faked timestamp
    // from our time provider

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In the sample above, I used the FakeTimeProvider from the Microsoft.Extensions.TimeProvider.Testing Nuget package.

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