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Compiled Queries Edit on GitHub

Linq is easily one of the most popular features in .Net and arguably the one thing that other platforms strive to copy. We generally like being able to express document queries in compiler-safe manner, but there is a non-trivial cost in parsing the resulting Expression trees and then using plenty of string concatenation to build up the matching SQL query. Fortunately, as of v0.8.10, Marten supports the concept of a Compiled Query that you can use to reuse the SQL template for a given Linq query and bypass the performance cost of continuously parsing Linq expressions.

All compiled queries are classes that implement the ICompiledQuery<TDoc, TResult> interface shown below:

public interface ICompiledQuery<TDoc, TOut>
    Expression<Func<IQueryable<TDoc>, TOut>> QueryIs();

In its simplest usage, let's say that we want to find the first user document with a certain first name. That class would look like this:

public class FindByFirstName : ICompiledQuery<User, User>
    public string FirstName { get; set; }

    public Expression<Func<IQueryable<User>, User>> QueryIs()
        return q => q.FirstOrDefault(x => x.FirstName == FirstName);

So a couple things to note in the class above:

  1. The QueryIs() method returns an Expression representing a Linq query
  2. FindByFirstName has a property (it could also be just a public field) called FirstName that is used to express the filter of the query

To use the FindByFirstName query, just use the code below:

var justin = theSession.Query(new FindByFirstName {FirstName = "Justin"});

var tamba = await theSession.QueryAsync(new FindByFirstName {FirstName = "Tamba"}).ConfigureAwait(false);

Or to use it as part of a batched query, this syntax:

var batch = theSession.CreateBatchQuery();

var justin = batch.Query(new FindByFirstName {FirstName = "Justin"});
var tamba = batch.Query(new FindByFirstName {FirstName = "Tamba"});

await batch.Execute().ConfigureAwait(false);

(await justin).Id.ShouldBe(user1.Id);
(await tamba).Id.ShouldBe(user2.Id);

How does it work?

The first time that Marten encounters a new type of ICompiledQuery, it executes the QueryIs() method and:

  1. Parses the Expression just to find which property getters or fields are used within the expression as input parameters
  2. Parses the Expression with our standard Linq support and to create a template database command and the internal query handler
  3. Builds up an object with compiled Func's that "knows" how to read a query model object and set the command parameters for the query
  4. Caches the resulting "plan" for how to execute a compiled query

On subsequent usages, Marten will just reuse the existing SQL command and remembered handlers to execute the query.

What is supported?

To the best of our knowledge and testing, you may use any Linq feature that Marten supports within a compiled query. So any combination of:

  • Select() transforms
  • First/FirstOrDefault()
  • Single/SingleOrDefault()
  • Where()
  • Include()
  • OrderBy/OrderByDescending etc.
  • Count()
  • Any()
  • AsJson()
  • ToJsonArray()
  • ToJsonArrayAsync()
  • Skip(), Take() and Stats() for pagination

At this point (v0.9), the only limitation is that you cannot use the Linq ToArray() or ToList() operators. See the next section for an explanation of how to query for multiple results.

Querying for multiple results

To query for multiple results, you need to just return the raw IQueryable<T> as IEnumerable<T> as the result type. You cannot use the ToArray() or ToList() operators (it'll throw exceptions from the Relinq library if you try). As a convenience mechanism, Marten supplies these helper interfaces:

If you are selecting the whole document without any kind of Select() transform, you can use this interface:

public interface ICompiledListQuery<TDoc>: ICompiledListQuery<TDoc, TDoc>

A sample usage of this type of query is shown below:

public class UsersByFirstName: ICompiledListQuery<User>
    public static int Count;
    public string FirstName { get; set; }

    public Expression<Func<IQueryable<User>, IEnumerable<User>>> QueryIs()
        return query => query.Where(x => x.FirstName == FirstName);

If you do want to use a Select() transform, use this interface:

public interface ICompiledListQuery<TDoc, TOut>: ICompiledQuery<TDoc, IEnumerable<TOut>>

A sample usage of this type of query is shown below:

public class UserNamesForFirstName: ICompiledListQuery<User, string>
    public Expression<Func<IQueryable<User>, IEnumerable<string>>> QueryIs()
        return q => q
            .Where(x => x.FirstName == FirstName)
            .Select(x => x.UserName);

    public string FirstName { get; set; }

Querying for included documents

If you wish to use a compiled query for a document, using a JOIN so that the query will include another document, just as the Include() method does on a simple query, the compiled query would be constructed just like any other, using the Include() method on the query:

public void simple_compiled_include_for_a_single_document()
    var user = new User();
    var issue = new Issue { AssigneeId = user.Id, Title = "Garage Door is busted" };

    theSession.Store<object>(user, issue);

    using (var query = theStore.QuerySession())
        var issueQuery = new IssueByTitleWithAssignee {Title = issue.Title};
        var issue2 = query.Query(issueQuery);



public class IssueByTitleWithAssignee : ICompiledQuery<Issue>
    public string Title { get; set; }
    public User Included { get; private set; } = new User();
    public JoinType JoinType { get; set; } = JoinType.Inner;

    public Expression<Func<IQueryable<Issue>, Issue>> QueryIs()
        return query => query
            .Include<Issue, IssueByTitleWithAssignee>(x => x.AssigneeId, x => x.Included, JoinType)
            .Single(x => x.Title == Title);

In this example, the query has an Included property which will receive the included Assignee / User. The 'resulting' included property can only be a property of the query, so that Marten would know how to assign the included result of the postgres query. The JoinType property here is just an example for overriding the default INNER JOIN. If you wish to force an INNER JOIN within the query you can simply remove the JoinType parameter like so: .Include<Issue, IssueByTitleWithAssignee>(x => x.AssigneeId, x => x.Included)

You can also chain Include methods if you need more than one JOINs.

Querying for multiple included documents

Fetching "included" documents could also be done when you wish to include multiple documents. So picking up the same example, if you wish to get a list of Issues and for every Issue you wish to retrieve its' Assignee / User, in your compiled query you should have a list of Users like so:

public class IssueWithUsers : ICompiledListQuery<Issue>
    public List<User> Users { get; set; }
    // Can also work like that:
    //public List<User> Users => new List<User>();

    public Expression<Func<IQueryable<Issue>, IEnumerable<Issue>>> QueryIs()
        return query => query.Include<Issue, IssueWithUsers>(x => x.AssigneeId, x => x.Users, JoinType.Inner);

public void compiled_include_to_list()
    var user1 = new User();
    var user2 = new User();

    var issue1 = new Issue { AssigneeId = user1.Id, Title = "Garage Door is busted" };
    var issue2 = new Issue { AssigneeId = user2.Id, Title = "Garage Door is busted" };
    var issue3 = new Issue { AssigneeId = user2.Id, Title = "Garage Door is busted" };

    theSession.Store(user1, user2);
    theSession.Store(issue1, issue2, issue3);

    using (var session = theStore.QuerySession())
        var query = new IssueWithUsers();

        var issues = session.Query(query).ToArray();


        query.Users.Any(x => x.Id == user1.Id);
        query.Users.Any(x => x.Id == user2.Id);

Note that you could either have the list instantiated or at least make sure the property has a setter as well as a getter (we've got your back).

As with the simple include queries, you could also use a Dictionary with a key type corresponding to the Id of the document- the dictionary value type:

public class IssueWithUsersById : ICompiledListQuery<Issue>
    public IDictionary<Guid,User> UsersById { get; set; }
    // Can also work like that:
    //public List<User> Users => new Dictionary<Guid,User>();

    public Expression<Func<IQueryable<Issue>, IEnumerable<Issue>>> QueryIs()
        return query => query.Include<Issue, IssueWithUsersById>(x => x.AssigneeId, x => x.UsersById, JoinType.Inner);

public void compiled_include_to_dictionary()
    var user1 = new User();
    var user2 = new User();

    var issue1 = new Issue { AssigneeId = user1.Id, Title = "Garage Door is busted" };
    var issue2 = new Issue { AssigneeId = user2.Id, Title = "Garage Door is busted" };
    var issue3 = new Issue { AssigneeId = user2.Id, Title = "Garage Door is busted" };

    theSession.Store(user1, user2);
    theSession.Store(issue1, issue2, issue3);

    using (var session = theStore.QuerySession())
        var query = new IssueWithUsersById();

        var issues = session.Query(query).ToArray();



Querying for paginated results

Marten compiled queries also support queries for paginated results, where you could specify the page number and size, as well as getting the total count. A simple example of how this can be achieved as follows:

public class TargetPaginationQuery: ICompiledListQuery<Target>
    public TargetPaginationQuery(int pageNumber, int pageSize)
        PageNumber = pageNumber;
        PageSize = pageSize;

    public QueryStatistics Stats { get; set; }
    public int PageNumber { get; set; }
    public int PageSize { get; set; }

    public Expression<Func<IQueryable<Target>, IEnumerable<Target>>> QueryIs()
        return query => query.Stats<Target, TargetPaginationQuery>(x => x.Stats)
            .Where(x => x.Number > 10).Skip(PageNumber).Take(PageSize);

Note that the way to get the QueryStatistics out is done by having a property on the query, which we specify in the Stats() method, similarly to the way we handle Include queries.

Querying for a single document

If you are querying for a single document with no transformation, you can use this interface as a convenience:

public interface ICompiledQuery<TDoc>: ICompiledQuery<TDoc, TDoc>

And an example:

public class FindUserByAllTheThings: ICompiledQuery<User>
    public string Username { get; set; }
    public string FirstName { get; set; }
    public string LastName { get; set; }

    public Expression<Func<IQueryable<User>, User>> QueryIs()
        return query =>
                query.Where(x => x.FirstName == FirstName && Username == x.UserName)
                    .Where(x => x.LastName == LastName)

Querying for multiple results as Json

To query for multiple results and have them returned as a Json string, you may run any query on your IQueryable<T> (be it ordering or filtering) and then simply finalize the query with ToJsonArray(); like so:

public class FindJsonOrderedUsersByUsername: ICompiledQuery<User, string>
    public string FirstName { get; set; }

    public Expression<Func<IQueryable<User>, string>> QueryIs()
        return query =>
                query.Where(x => FirstName == x.FirstName)
                    .OrderBy(x => x.UserName)

If you wish to do it asynchronously, you can use the ToJsonArrayAsync() method.

A sample usage of this type of query is shown below:

public void a_sorted_list_compiled_query_AsJson()
    var user = theSession.Query(new FindJsonOrderedUsersByUsername() { FirstName = "Jeremy" });


Note that the result has the documents comma separated and wrapped in angle brackets (as per the Json notation).

Querying for a single document

Finally, if you are querying for a single document as json, you will need to prepend your call to Single(), First() and so on with a call to AsJson():

public class FindJsonUserByUsername: ICompiledQuery<User, string>
    public string Username { get; set; }

    public Expression<Func<IQueryable<User>, string>> QueryIs()
        return query =>
                query.Where(x => Username == x.UserName)

And an example:

public void a_single_item_compiled_query_AsJson()
    var user = theSession.Query(new FindJsonUserByUsername() { Username = "jdm" });


(our ToJson() method simply returns a string representation of the User instance in Json notation)