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The Patching API Edit on GitHub

Using the Patching API in Marten requires the usage of Postgresql's PLV8 extension.

Marten's Patching API is a mechanism to update persisted documents without having to first load the document into memory. "Patching" can be much more efficient at runtime in some scenarios because you avoid the "deserialize from JSON, edit, serialize back to JSON" workflow.

As of 1.2, Marten supports mechanisms to:

  1. Set the value of a persisted field or property
  2. Add a field or property with value
  3. Duplicate a field or property to one or more destinations
  4. Increment a numeric value by some increment (1 by default)
  5. Append an element to a child array, list, or collection at the end
  6. Insert an element into a child array, list, or collection at a given position
  7. Remove an element from a child array, list, or collection
  8. Rename a persisted field or property to a new name for structural document changes
  9. Delete a persisted field or property

The patch operation can be configured to either execute against a single document by supplying its id, or with a Where clause expression. In all cases, the property or field being updated can be a deep accessor like Target.Inner.Color.

Patching by Where Expression

To apply a patch to all documents matching a given criteria, use the following syntax:

// Change every Target document where the Color is Blue
theSession.Patch<Target>(x => x.Color == Colors.Blue).Set(x => x.Number, 2);

Setting a single Property/Field

The usage of IDocumentSession.Patch().Set() to change the value of a single persisted field is shown below:

public void set_an_immediate_property_by_id()
    var target = Target.Random(true);
    target.Number = 5;


    theSession.Patch<Target>(target.Id).Set(x => x.Number, 10);

    using (var query = theStore.QuerySession())

Initialize a new Property/Field

To initialize a new property on existing documents:

const string where = "where (data ->> 'UpdatedAt') is null";
theSession.Patch<Target>(new WhereFragment(where)).Set("UpdatedAt", DateTime.UtcNow);

using (var query = theStore.QuerySession())

Duplicating an existing Property/Field

To copy an existing value to a new location:

var target = Target.Random();
target.AnotherString = null;

theSession.Patch<Target>(target.Id).Duplicate(t => t.String, t => t.AnotherString);

using (var query = theStore.QuerySession())
    var result = query.Load<Target>(target.Id);

The same value can be copied to multiple new locations:

theSession.Patch<Target>(target.Id).Duplicate(t => t.String,
    t => t.StringField,
    t => t.Inner.String,
    t => t.Inner.AnotherString);

The new locations need not exist in the persisted document, null or absent parents will be initialized

Incrementing an Existing Value

To increment a persisted value in the persisted document, use this operation:

public void increment_for_int()
    var target = Target.Random();
    target.Number = 6;


    theSession.Patch<Target>(target.Id).Increment(x => x.Number);

    using (var query = theStore.QuerySession())

By default, the Patch.Increment() operation will add 1 to the existing value. You can optionally override the increment:

public void increment_for_int_with_explicit_increment()
    var target = Target.Random();
    target.Number = 6;


    theSession.Patch<Target>(target.Id).Increment(x => x.Number, 3);

    using (var query = theStore.QuerySession())

Append an Element to a Child Collection

The Patch.Append() operation adds a new item to the end of a child collection:

public void append_complex_element()
    var target = Target.Random(true);
    var initialCount = target.Children.Length;

    var child = Target.Random();


    theSession.Patch<Target>(target.Id).Append(x => x.Children, child);

    using (var query = theStore.QuerySession())
        var target2 = query.Load<Target>(target.Id);
        target2.Children.Length.ShouldBe(initialCount + 1);


The Patch.AppendIfNotExists() operation will treat the child collection as a set rather than a list and only append the element if it does not already exist within the collection

Marten can append either complex, value object values or primitives like numbers or strings.

Insert an Element into a Child Collection

Instead of appending an item to the end of a child collection, the Patch.Insert() operation allows you to insert a new item into a persisted collection with a given index -- with the default index being 0 so that a new item would be inserted at the beginning of the child collection.

public void insert_first_complex_element()
    var target = Target.Random(true);
    var initialCount = target.Children.Length;

    var child = Target.Random();


    theSession.Patch<Target>(target.Id).Insert(x => x.Children, child);

    using (var query = theStore.QuerySession())
        var target2 = query.Load<Target>(target.Id);
        target2.Children.Length.ShouldBe(initialCount + 1);


The Patch.InsertIfNotExists() operation will only insert the element if the element at the designated index does not already exist.

Remove an Element from a Child Collection

The Patch.Remove() operation removes the given item from a child collection:

public void remove_primitive_element()
    var target = Target.Random();
    var initialCount = target.NumberArray.Length;

    var random = new Random();
    var child = target.NumberArray[random.Next(0, initialCount)];


    theSession.Patch<Target>(target.Id).Remove(x => x.NumberArray, child);

    using (var query = theStore.QuerySession())
        var target2 = query.Load<Target>(target.Id);
        target2.NumberArray.Length.ShouldBe(initialCount - 1);


Removing complex items can also be accomplished, matching is performed on all fields:

public void remove_complex_element()
    var target = Target.Random(true);
    var initialCount = target.Children.Length;

    var random = new Random();
    var child = target.Children[random.Next(0, initialCount)];


    theSession.Patch<Target>(target.Id).Remove(x => x.Children, child);

    using (var query = theStore.QuerySession())
        var target2 = query.Load<Target>(target.Id);
        target2.Children.Length.ShouldBe(initialCount - 1);

        target2.Children.ShouldNotContain(t => t.Id == child.Id);

To remove reoccurring values from a collection specify RemoveAction.RemoveAll:

public void remove_repeated_primitive_elements()
    var target = Target.Random();
    var initialCount = target.NumberArray.Length;

    var random = new Random();
    var child = target.NumberArray[random.Next(0, initialCount)];
    var occurances = target.NumberArray.Count(e => e == child);
    if (occurances < 2)
        target.NumberArray = target.NumberArray.Concat(new[] { child }).ToArray();


    theSession.Patch<Target>(target.Id).Remove(x => x.NumberArray, child, RemoveAction.RemoveAll);

    using (var query = theStore.QuerySession())
        var target2 = query.Load<Target>(target.Id);
        target2.NumberArray.Length.ShouldBe(initialCount - occurances);

        target2.NumberArray.ShouldHaveTheSameElementsAs(target.NumberArray.Except(new[] { child }));

Rename a Property/Field

In the case of changing the name of a property or field in your document type that's already persisted in your Marten database, you have the option to apply a patch that will move the value from the old name to the new name.

public void rename_deep_prop()
    var target = Target.Random(true);
    target.Inner.String = "Foo";
    target.Inner.AnotherString = "Bar";


    theSession.Patch<Target>(target.Id).Rename("String", x => x.Inner.AnotherString);

    using (var query = theStore.QuerySession())
        var target2 = query.Load<Target>(target.Id);

Renaming can be used on nested values.

Delete a Property/Field

The Patch.Delete() operation can be used to remove a persisted property or field without the need to load, deserialize, edit and save all affected documents

To delete a redundant property no longer available on the class use the string overload:


To delete a redundant property nested on a child class specify a location lambda:

theSession.Patch<Target>(target.Id).Delete("String", t => t.Inner);

A current property may be erased simply with a lambda:

theSession.Patch<Target>(target.Id).Delete(t => t.Inner);

Many documents may be patched using a where expressions:

const string where = "(data ->> 'String') is not null";
theSession.Patch<Target>(new WhereFragment(where)).Delete("String");

using (var query = theStore.QuerySession())
    query.Query<Target>(where).Count(t => t.String != null).ShouldBe(0);